Jaya and Vijaya are said to be the two gatekeepers to the abode of Vishnu, the Vaikuntha!
Vijaya is said to be victory over others – others being people, situations, circumstances, hurdles. Losing the battle of life is not an option as you do not end anything, you merely postpone it. We may tire from the struggle, at which time we must have a place to rest, be it a home, a mother’s lap, a friend’s hug or a lover’s embrace. We must find the Ram within us to stand tall and stand firm on the cause, safe in the belief that the cause is a noble one and keep working towards that one goal of finding ourselves. Be safe in the knowledge that whatever the test is, we will overcome our fears, anxiety and failures to emerge victorious- remember it is only a test, and whatever it is, is only temporary- we are far bigger, completely divine and nothing and no one can change that one fact.
Jai is victory over oneself- we should invoke the Ram in us to overcome all our shortcomings, weaknesses and self doubts to understand our true self, to be able to define ourselves as who we are and what we want to be. Be true to ourselves, realize our true potential, abandon all that is holding us back and emerge as the perfect being that we are.
Once we have achieved both Jaya and Vijaya – then and only then the gates to moksha will open and we will find ourselves in the abode of perpetual happiness and peace – the Vaikuntha within us!
Shivani Giri is a teaching professional, who likes to write, is a prolific reader of different genres of mythological texts. She is based out of Hyderabad.